THIS IS THE ULTIMATE IN CAP GRINDERS! For those of you that require a high precision grinder, flat mating surfaces and adjustable to the original surfaces and fast.
The setup is very quick. Place magnetic straight edge on tableface, then place cap or rod against surface and tighten down.
This same operation can be used on overhead cam caps.
This grinder will do caps from 3" high to 9" long.
The stone will tilt for that extra fine tuning by adjusting the knob at back of motor.
The fitting of caps sideways to block can be accomplished by installing 1/2" key in groove of table and grinding side of ca 90 degrees to face.
The stone can be dressed before and during the grinding operation if required.
The diamond dresser is mounted on the side of the work table.
Shipping Weight: 280 lbs
Dimensions: 22" X 23" X 15"