Berco BC4 Iine bore machine
Berco BC4 Iine bore machine with 30,40,50 mm bars and tooling. In working order has been cleaned and painted. Machine was made in Italy.
SUNNEN PLB-100 Line Boring Attachment
Sunnen PLB-100 Line Bore Attachment
Kwik Way LBM Portable Line Bore
Kwik Way LBM Portable Line Bore as shown has Factory Tool Board and all tooling shown.
$100.00 to crate for shipping
Sunnen CH-100 Linehone
Extra charge for mandrels !!!! WE HAVE LOTS !!!!!
CH-75A mandrel adapter included !!!!
Sunnen CH-100 Linehone with 3 Mandrels
Repainted white
comes with 2400 , 2700 , and 3000 Sunnen Linehone mandrels
Sunnen 15RY-4500H Linehoning mandrel
Sunnen CH100 Extended Line hone cabinet
includes TWO mandrels
Sunnen CH100 Extended Line hone cabinet. Cabinet is 12 inches wider than a standard CH100.
Sunnen CH-40 Line Hone
Sunnen Line hone drive set-up mounted on custom made cabinet
has built in mandrel rack on back
Peterson LB6 line bore machine
Peterson LB6 line bore machine with 23mm bar kit and tooling as shown.